GIVEAWAY: The Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary

Enter by September 29th to win this jumbly, squiffling, scrumdiddlyumptious dictionary for kids.



“This is not an ordinary dictionary,” proclaims the preface of The Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary.

“Lots of dictionaries will tell you what an alligator is, or how to spell balloon, but they won’t explain the difference between a ringbeller and a trogglehumper, or say why witches need gruntles’ eggs, or suggest a word for the shape of a Knid (it is oviform, by the way), or tell you why bobolinks are called bobolinks.”

“This dictionary does all those things. You will even have to read some of the definitions backwards,” the preface warns.

Truly, this is no regular dictionary. The pages are peppered with illustrations by Sir Quentin Blake, who illustrated Dahl’s original work.  Entries often include quotes from Dahl, “sparky synonyms,” “ringbelling rhymes,” and bits of trivia about Dahl’s books.  The New York Journal of Books calls it “the best dictionary for children this year.”

Readers have until 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 29th to win!


This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Originally Published

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