The craft of poetry with Seamus Heaney
Poetry’s magic gone wild.
Poetry’s magic gone wild.
If you’re on the path to publishing – a short story, perhaps – we wish you success, and we hope you consider our magazine a supporting partner.
Mary Karr is the boss of memoir. But she operates without fear when it comes to self-expression. We noticed that in our interview and the media blitz around her new book “The Art of Memoir.”
Learn more about the craft behind Jennifer De Leon’s winning short story “Home Movie.”
Is there any story more fun to read – and to write – than a good crime story?
“My original ambition was to be an Egyptologist.”
The writer Isak Dinesen said, “All sorrows can be borne if you put them in a story or tell a story about them.”
I’m always on the lookout for work that makes me swoon with a finely tuned combination of intellect and emotion.
Roy Peter Clark’s tips for crafting eulogies is a helpful guide to any kind of writing. When his mother died, he had to put his own advice in action.
Editor Alicia Anstead talks about craft with novelist Ann Hood.
A reflection on a typo.