Will Colum McCann read your short story?

Enter your short story in our “Two Roads Diverge” contest for the chance to win $1,000 and feedback from Colum McCann.

Off and running at AWP15

The Writer’s associate editor shares reflections from AWP 2015.

Get your yoga on as a writer

I’m thoroughly in favor of people writing from a deeper place, not the thinking part of the mind, but rather memory and image and feeling, and so yoga helps us get in touch with the feeling self.

Find your writing voice

One of the most precious aspects of a writer’s talent is voice, the tell-tale sign of who is sitting on the other side of the story.

Unearthing future classics

Is the recent wave of newly discovered, never-before-published stories by iconic authors a trend in the writing world?

Screenwriting stars: An Oscar season round-up

Oscar weekend! Check out TW interviews with screenwriters who have successfully taken stories from idea to page to lights, camera, action.

What inspired that novel?

Where do stories come from? A look at the inspiration behind 10 classic novels.

8 Foods to Beat Writer’s Block

It happens to all of us: that moment in the middle of that work day when we hit a roadblock. These energy foods can help boost your productivity.

10 page-to-screen successes

What’s behind the best award-winning TV shows? The work of great writers.