Saturday, April 14, 2018
Children’s, Essay, Fiction, General, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Lansing Community College, West Campus
5708 Cornerstone Dr.
Lansing, MI 48917
Admission Fees
$85.00 Registration in advance (At the door $100.00)
$50.00, Students, in advance (At the door, $60.00)
$17.00, Lunch (deli buffet) & Neworking (Seating limited, Due with registration by April 6)
The Rally is an educational, one-day writers’ conference. Now in its 31st year, Rally is the largest, longest-running warmest writing conference in the state. We bring together friendly, well-informed, published Michigan authors as Keynoter (Founder of Detroit’s Inside/Out Poetry project, poet and teacher, Terry Blackhawk) and as leaders of 16 breakout sessions for a large community of people of all ages who want to write. The keynote and the sessions offer solid information through hands-on workshops and discussions of several genres of writing. Good cookies and session leaders who are teachers at heart give the attendees the tools and inspiration to work with their own writing.
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