Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel
Atlanta, GA
Admission Fees
A la carte pricing, where a participant can select just one activity, several, or all of them, with a discount for the conference all-activities package. The $50 registration fee also grants participants a 365-day membership in the Atlanta Writers Club, the conference sponsor.
The 19th Atlanta Writers Conference features 16 literary agents and acquisitions editors for manuscript critiques, query letter critiques, and pitches; bestseller Jenny Milchman’s workshop on developing your author brand; editor and agent Q&A panels; a prep critique to get your submission in shape before the agents and publishers review it; and lots of free bonus activities for participants.
Contact Information
George Weinstein, Atlanta Writers Conference Director
[email protected]