Friday, September 4, 2020 - Sunday, September 6, 2020
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Bellingham, Wash. at the Hotel Bellwether. Since 2010, Chanticleer has grown authentically and organically with your support and patronage. We will continue to post our informative blogs on writing craft, marketing tips and tools, the latest in publishing technology for authors and publishers in this new era of content creation for storytelling in all its forms.
Admission Fees
Workshops on Podcasting and Audio Book Creation are $75 each.
Master Classes are available along with five different registration packets.
A unique and progressive authors conference designed to share insight, knowledge, and the latest technologies about the marketing and business side of being an author and a publisher. The Chanticleer Authors Conference UNLOCKS the SECRETS of SUCCESSFUL PUBLISHING. Sessions on How to Increase Book Sales, the newest audio-book and digital sales platforms, Direct to Readers (consumers) Tools, Tips, and Best Practices to obtain and maintain readership. The roles of METADATA, SEO, & Analytics in the publishing industry. How to Increase Sales on Amazon, Global Digital Media Strategies, The Best Distribution and Selling Platforms and Branding and Marketing Best Practices. We also have offer writing master classes. 2020 will feature Robert Dugoni, Scott Steindorff, Paul Cutsinger, Chris Mottes, Donald Maas, Jessica Morrell, Diane Garland, Dr. Janice Ellis, and others.
Contact Information
[email protected] Please email us!