Friday, October 20, 2017 - Sunday, October 22, 2017
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Los Angeles Valley College
5800 Fulton Ave, Valley Glen, CA 91401
Admission Fees
From $149 (single days) to $399 (all three day with keynote lunches) to $499 (Gold Package with literary agent meets)
The Annual Digital Author and Indie / Self-Publishing Writers Conference is ideal for every author who wants to take advantage of the “Golden Age of Publishing.” Learn how to write, publish, market, and sell your brand and products in an increasingly digital world where the giants include Kobo, Author Solutions, Amazon, Apple, Smashwords, and other digital resources — as well as the “Big Five” New York publishers.
speaker panel and audience
As the modern publishing marketplace evolves, more authors are making their books available through a growing wealth of Indie and mid-sized publishers, or becoming a DIY publisher. DAISP 2017 will demystify the new technologies and marketing methodologies, and reveal how each can work for you. This 3-day conference will feature a stellar lineup of industry experts, educators, and best-selling authors who will help you achieve success, no matter what path you choose. DAISP can not only improve your sales, it may change your life as an author.
Experience three days of informative workshops on Indie Publishing and the exploding world of E-books, A-Books, and P-Books, revealing the secrets and methodologies that authors need to succeed. Learn how to develop your platform as an author through appearances and through various marketing and social medias. Speakers include industry experts, veteran educators, digital media and publishing professionals, as well as best-selling authors, all focused on the craft and business of publishing.
Contact Information
West Coast Writers Conferences
PO Box 2267
Redondo Beach, CA 90278