Global Summit on Languages & Linguistics

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015 - Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Alicante, Spain

Admission Fees

799 $


OMICS Group is enchanted to welcome you attend the prestigious “Global Summit on Languages & Linguistics” which is to be held from June 16-17, 2015 inAlicante, Spain. With the main theme “An Insight into the Science of Language and its Prominence in Constituting the World of Communication”, the conference aims to explore the role of Language and Linguistics in bringing together the World Communities. Languages Summit-2015 is a unique platform which provides exciting and productive opportunities to educators, Language practitioners, Scholars, researchers, trainers and Linguists to share their expertise in the realm of Languages & Linguistics through interactive and innovative sessions. It helps you to listen to latest research findings, present your work before a global audience, network, build new relationships, and join the international language community.

Contact Information

John Benson
Languages Summit-2015
OMICS Group Conferences
5716 Corsa Ave., Suite110
Westlake, Los Angeles
CA91362-7354, USA
Phone: +1-650-268-9744
Toll free: +1-800-216-6499
E-mail: [email protected]


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