Gotham Writers Conference

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Friday, October 25, 2019 - Saturday, October 26, 2019


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Ace Hotel, 20 W 29th St, New York, NY 10001
(On 29th, by Broadway)

Admission Fees

$245 for Day 1
$595 for Day 2 (Day 1 is included with Day 2 registration)


This writing conference works in a unique way.

On Day 1, there are five panels and presentations, just one at a time, each one a gem, each designed to give you a close-up look at the publishing process. The day is capped off with a happy hour, with free food and drinks for everyone.

On Day 2, there are pitching roundtables where pre-selected writers spend the day at a table with two agents who specialize in the field that matches the writers’ book projects (mainstream/literary fiction, genre fiction, middle grade/young adult fiction, nonfiction). You will be pitching your book project to the agents, but rather than sweating through a very quick pitch (as done at most conferences), you will spend four hours with the two agents, presenting your query and first pages, listening to others do the same, and getting in-depth feedback from the agents about your work and the publishing process.

You may sign up for just Day 1, for $245

Or you may sign up for Day 1 and Day 2, for $595

If you wish to participate on Day 2, then you must apply by sending a query letter, 10 pages of a manuscript, and answering some questions. You will be notified within 30 days of applying if you are accepted or not for Day 2. If you are accepted, then we will ask for payment within 48 hours of acceptance. If you are not accepted, then you may choose to attend Day 1 only.

Contact Information

[email protected]


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