Thursday, September 18, 2014 - Saturday, September 20, 2014
Fiction, General, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Poetry, Romance, Young Adult
4535 Commerce Street, Virginia Beach, VA
Admission Fees
Early bird tuition (until June 27) $180 for HRW members, $220.00 for non-members.
From June 28 to September 14, $220 HRW members, $260 non-members.
September 15 through the start of the conference $275 for members and nonmembers alike.
One evening plus two full days of workshops, two best-selling keynoters, two first ten-lines critique sessions, 45 workshops during nine breakout sessions, ten-minute agent pitches, ten-minute indie publisher pitches, and cash prize contests for short fiction, short non-fiction and poetry.
Workshops cover fiction, nonfiction, memoir, poetry and the business of getting published. A book shop, book signings and many networking opportunities available.
Janet Burroway, Professor Emerita at Florida State University and author of eight novels and writing craft textbooks and Brad Parks, the only author to have won the Shamus, Nero and Lefty Awards for his Carter Ross mysteries, will deliver keynote addresses.
Other presenters include fiction writers Jeff Andrews, Ginger Marcinkowski, Dr. Randy Ferrance, Dr. Tom Somma and Valerie Wilkinson; nonfiction writers and poets Charlotte Matthews, Michael Khandelwal and Bill Glose; journalists and public relations experts Cheryl Tan and Nora Firestone; literary agents Emily Gref, Kaylee Davis, Kimiko Nakamura, Diana Flegal and Linda Epstein; independent book publishers Dr. Philip Brady of Etruscan Books and Heather Hildenbrand of Elephantine Publishing.
See website for list of breakout sessions.
Contact Information
[email protected]
757-639-6146 (Stephanie)
or download a registration form and schedule: