Friday, October 23, 2015 - Sunday, October 25, 2015
Drama, Fiction, General, Nonfiction, Personal Journals
This educational and inspirational conference will be held at the historic Los Angeles Valley College, and at the nearby icon Sportsman's Lodge in Studio City
Admission Fees
Early Registration Discounts Available
Fri or Sun Saturday All 3 Days
July 01-31 -na- -na- 249
August 01-31 -na- 14 9 279
September 01-30 129 159 299
October 01 -22 139 179 349
Onsite Registration
October 23-25, 2015 149 199 399
Gold Package 199 (B) 249 (B) 499 (A)
The Genre-LA™ Writers Conference is devoted to the craft and business of writing one or more genres. Each includes genre-specific workshops, panels, seminars, pitch sessions and more, featuring educators, industry experts, best-selling authors, literary agents and publishers. Open to all levels.
The 2015 conference is devoted to writing memoirs, autobiographies or biographies. You can learn in one weekend how to write a book that a much wider audience than just your family will want to read. Discover the secrets of how to organize your ideas and evaluate their added value to the story; how to research and write an effective non-fiction book; how to write a true story without potential legal entanglements; how to write a book proposal; research and pitch a publisher, plus much more.
Writers can also take advantage of advance submission ProCritiques™ of their work by professional editors and agents, and meet with literary agents and publishers looking for new talent.
Contact Information
(see below...)