Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Sheraton Charlotte Hotel
555 S. McDowell St.
Charlotte, NC 28204
Admission Fees
The North Carolina Writers’ Network 2014 Fall Conference offers workshops and master classes in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as lectures and panels on publishing and finding an agent. The faculty includes poets Anthony S. Abbott, Morri Creech, and Alan Michael Parker; fiction writers Wilton Barnhardt, Moira Crone, and Aaron Gwyn; and creative nonfiction writers Cynthia Lewis, Rebecca McClanahan, and Amy Rogers.
Alan Gurganus will give the Keynote Address. Former NC Poet Laureate Joseph Bathanti will be the featured guest at Saturday’s lunch; Wilton Barnhardt will be the featured guest at the Annual Banquet.
Scholarships are available.
Contact Information
Ed Southern, Executive Director, 336-293-8844 or [email protected]
Maggie Morgan, Membership Coordinator, 919-308-3228 or [email protected]