Novelicious Retreat

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San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina

Admission Fees

$29 members; $39 non-members

Author Signing Tables, Swag Bag and Silent Auction Materials are also available! You do not need to attend to promote your books.


One part educational,
one part hospitality,
all parts awesome.
While you relax, recharge your devices and refuel on delicious desserts and a healthy lunch, we’ll be providing practical content on a variety of romance business topics; our hope is to inspire you to dream bigger and provide tangible resources to help you reach your romance writing goals!

Our goal is to make this very practical; we want you to go home feeling like you have the tools you need to make your dreams happen! We also want you to feel like you’ve gained encouragement through an amazing community of authors and editors!

Every attendee will have the opportunity to ask subject matter experts in different areas of publishing questions at our Guru Tables. You do not need to sign up for a specific session. We are offering a more intimate Q+A round tables you can sit at with subjects that are specific to your business & big dreams!

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