Crime/Thriller, Fiction, General, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Science Fiction
Leesburg Junction
215 Depot Court, SE
Leesburg, VA 20175
Admission Fees
Super Early Bird $ 50.00 until January 31, 2019
General Pricing $ 65.00 after January 31, 2019
For many of us, there’s a story in our hearts and mind and truthfully, it won’t see the light of day until we make a decision to finish it, upload it to a book seller platform and press the “publish” button releasing it to the masses to be consumed, admired, READ!
The annual one-day Publishing Summit is a beginner Writer’s Conference that will address topics:
Finishing the Book
Getting Ready for Promotion and Marketing Tactics for the Book, and
The Ins and Outs of Getting a Deal with a Small Press, and
Marketing Your First Book
Even if you want to learn all of this, you can do so on your own, but if you’ve tried already we know that people find the maze of options difficult to understand, confusing, not to mention any errors you may make can be devastatingly costly both financially and mentally and ultimately set you back, discourage you so much that you may never reach your goal. Conference events like ours are meant to STOP and CUT OUT all of that confusion.
Don’t give up, get some assistance, instead attend our annual writer event to get the tools you need in a fun, encouraging and resourceful environment.
If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.
-Lemony Snicket
Live Event at Leesburg Junction
215 Depot Court, SE (First level)
Leesburg, VA 20175
Ticketing at
Contact Information
Tracee Garner
[email protected]