Saturday, July 21, 2018
The Book House
281 Essex Street
Millburn, NJ 07041
Millburn, NJ is located within a short train ride from NYC. The Book House is a short walk from the train station. No car is needed!
Admission Fees
Intensive workshop admission is $150 per person. Lunch is included. Space is limited.
Are you working on a manuscript and considering self-publishing? Don’t get daunted by the process. Learn everything you need to know to hit “publish” with confidence and authority in this one-day workshop lead by New York Times bestselling author, self-publishing and book marketing consultant, Eva Lesko Natiello.
Subjects to be covered: distributors, exclusivity, book covers, editing, beta readers, ISBN numbers, front matter, back matter, ebooks vs. paperback, pricing, keywords, meta data, categories, book descriptions, tagline and subtitles, international markets and more. Eva will dig deep so you’ll understand what these things are, why they’re important and how to decide what’s right for you and your book.
Eva will share with you all the tips and essentials she uses for her own books and with her private author clients. This workshop is for writers of all genres. Eva is always excited to share this crucial information and empower authors to release their books in the most professional way possible with the tools to succeed as authorpreneurs.
Contact Information
Contact Eva Natiello for additional information: [email protected]
To register, visit