The Community of Writers holds its summer writing workshops in Squaw Valley, California. Squaw Valley is located in the California Sierra Nevada mountain range, close to the north shore of Lake Tahoe. A ski resort in the winter, it offers a warm and sunny playground for the summer conference goers, where participants have opportunities to hike to the local waterfalls, take nature walks up the mountain, swim in Lake Tahoe, and play tennis, ice skate, or bike along the Truckee River.
Admission Fees
$995 Tuition, see website for further details. Tuition for the Poetry Program includes six evening meals and daily photocopying of poems. A limited amount of financial aid is available.
The Poetry Program is founded on the belief that when poets gather in a community to write new poems, each poet may well break through old habits and write something stronger and truer than before. To help this happen, we work together to create an atmosphere in which everyone might feel free to try anything. In the mornings, we meet in workshops to read to each other the work of the previous twenty-four hours; each participant also has an opportunity to work with each staff poet. In the late afternoons, we gather for a conversation about some aspect of craft. On several afternoons, staff poets hold brief individual conferences.
Contact Information
Community of Writers
PO Box 1416
Nevada City, CA 95959
info @squawvalleywriters . org