Unicorn Writers Conference

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Friday, September 14, 2018 - Saturday, September 15, 2018


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Reid Castle, Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY

Admission Fees

$350 registration fee includes all workshops and three meals.
Additional costs: $150 for 30 minute meeting with an agent or editor who will read in advance your 30 pages query letter, and book summary.
$300 for 30 minute meeting with an agent and editor who will read in advance your 30 pages query letter, and book summary.


Attend a one-day writers’ conference unlike any other! Valuable for published authors and for beginners! Unicorn covers the total story from craft to career!

Date: Saturday, September 15, 2018
Time: 7:30 am – 8 pm
Place: Reid Castle, Purchase, NY.

Price: $350 includes all workshops, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and gifts for all attendees.

Choose from six different workshops every hour:
*Fiction *Non-fiction *Memoir *Mystery * *Romance *Children/YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi *Self Publishing  *Marketing *E-Publishing, *Publishing 101, First Page, Agents Point of View, five different craft of writing workshops, Query Letter and, a vast selection of rare, how-to tutorials from many departments within a publishing company, including: marketing/publicity, social media, writing proposals, pitching your work, how to appeal to agents and editors, and more!

PLUS, 40 literary agents comprising four Agent Panels, and two Editor Panel featuring NYC Editors. One-to-one sessions available with an agents, editors, or other guest speakers for an additional $150.00 fee for 30 minutes who read your 30 pages, book summary and query letter in advance of 1-1 meeting.


Contact Information

Jan Kardys, Chairman
[email protected]



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