Children’s, Drama, Fiction, General, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Located in Wantage, a pretty market town just 18 miles from Oxford and 9 miles for Didcot, both with mainline rail stations and good road links onto the A34 and M4, the Wantage Literary Festival is easy to reach and a joy to attend.
Admission Fees
Admission to events - a variety of talks, workshops, suppers, wine tasting, interactive sessions and relaxed social opportunities to talk with renowned authors - is by individually priced tickets. See the website for details: and/or sign up to our mailing list for all the latest news and offers.
This years sees a brilliant programme shaping up including Kate Adie and Andy McNab, plus a whole host of wonderful novelists, famous war historians, well-known environmentalists, biographers and poets, as well as writing workshops and talks. Not to be missed is the plotting and crime-writing workshop being run by Guardian Crime Master Class tutors Matthew Hall (MR Hall) and William Ryan – at a fraction of the cost of a Master Class, plus Charles Harris (talking about screenwriting) and Jacq Burns (Literary agent and co-founder of the London Writers Club) giving you all the tricks of the trade on how to write a bestseller.
Contact Information
See the website for details: and/or sign up to our mailing list for all the latest news and offers.
Or for specific request/info contact Chair Debbie Martin on [email protected]