Children’s, Drama, Fiction, General, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Golden, Colorado - two lodging choices:
The Golden Hotel, $159 per night WWW conference rate
The Table Mountain Inn, $159 and $174 per night WWW conf. rate
Admission Fees
$245 WWW members, $295 non-members, by June 30, 2014
$115 Friday only, no meals
$115 Saturday only, no meals
$260 WWW members, $320 non-members, after June 30, 2014
Women Writing the West is celebrating its 20th Anniversary by “Coming Home” to its Denver area birthplace. Held annually in cities throughout the West, the 2014 conference will take place October 16-19 in Golden, Colorado, at the Golden Hotel and the Table Mountain Inn. This conference is a rare opportunity for writers to take their craft to the next level, along with some of Colorado’s favorite western authors.
Contact Information
For more information and interview opportunities, please contact Joyce Lohse, WWW Administrator, at [email protected] Registration information is available at: