Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Fontana Village Resort
300 Woods Road
Fontana Dam, NC 28733
Admission Fees
$950 double rooms only
We’re writers. We’re runners. We’re both. It doesn’t matter what you write. If you write, you’re a writer. And if you run, you’re a runner. We even let walkers join the club.
People who have a passion for writing and running belong here. Whether you used to run, or you’ve always thought about doing a 5k, we’re all in this together. If you’re one of those people, you get it. We do too.
Finally an event exists that lets writers and runners travel once, instead of twice, to get in their yearly quota of writing events and running races.
The retreat begins with a dinner and an inspirational opening keynote speech. You’ll enjoy three full days packed with a morning 2-mile trail run, breakfast, two 2-hour intensive workshops focused on craft and the business of writing, lunch, roundtable critique groups, free writing time, dinner, and a fun social event each evening. Join us with three published authors and an editor. Genres represented: Adult crime/suspense/mystery/romance. YA suspense/mystery/romance. Children’s picture books.
The culminating event is participation in Sunday morning’s 10k trail race through the forests of the Fontana Trail System in the Nantahala National Forest.
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