Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Screenwriting
Entry Fees
$100 plus publication to top entry; a number of finalists will also be offered publication in a special edition.
Microfiction, micro essay, micro memoir, short poem, micro script, micro screenplay…if it’s 100 words or less, it might be worth $100. No restrictions on theme or category.
First place winners and finalists in various prose categories will be published in a special edition. A byline and bio will be included, and select pieces will receive special attention on the website.
Enter as many times as you like. One piece per submission. Pieces must be unpublished except on a personal blog or website. Simultaneous submissions accepted; please withdraw your submission if the work is published elsewhere before the contest ends. Work can have won other awards that do not include publication without being disqualified.
Contact Information
Laine Cunningham, Senior Editor