Friday, July 9, 2021
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Free to enter
First Place
o $200 cash prize
o Framable certificate
o 3 hours of high-level services with editor, book coach, and publishing expert Molly McCowan (a combined value of $400+ depending on services chosen)
Second Place
o $100 cash prize
o Framable certificate
o 1 hour of “Ask the Editor” consulting time with Molly McCowan ($200 value)
Third Place
o Framable certificate
o 30 minutes of “Ask the Editor” consulting time with editor, book coach, and publishing expert Naomi Kim Eagleson ($100 value)
Inkbot Editing is offering prizes with a total worth of $1,000+ to Colorado writers in the upcoming Colorado Short Story Contest. The contest is open from June 9 to July 9, and is free to enter. Winners will be announced on Inkbot Editing’s website on August 9.
The prizes are as listed:
First Place
o $200 cash prize
o Framable certificate
o 3 hours of high-level services with editor, book coach, and publishing expert Molly McCowan (a combined value of $400+ depending on services chosen)
Second Place
o $100 cash prize
o Framable certificate
o 1 hour of “Ask the Editor” consulting time with Molly McCowan ($200 value)
Third Place
o Framable certificate
o 30 minutes of “Ask the Editor” consulting time with editor, book coach, and publishing expert Naomi Kim Eagleson ($100 value)
Entries must be at least 500 and no more than 4,000 words in length. This year’s contest is themed around robots, meaning all submitted stories must include a robot in some way. There aren’t any limitations on this: the robot can be the main character, a minor character, a prop or toy for a character, or something within the story’s world or society. Robots of all kinds are welcome, and entries can be fiction or narrative nonfiction (true stories).
Entries will be judged by Molly McCowan from Inkbot Editing, Naomi Kim Eagleson from The Artful Editor, and Erin Brenner from Right Touch Editing. Additional contest guidelines and information on how to submit can be found on the contest web page,
Inkbot Editing is Northern Colorado’s leading editorial agency, offering high-level book coaching, editing, and consulting services for authors interested in both traditional and self-publishing. Founder and Lead Word Nerd Molly McCowan is an editing and publishing expert who has worked with New York Times bestselling authors and publishers such as HarperCollins and Routledge. Learn more at
Contact Information
Additional contest guidelines and information on how to submit can be found on the contest web page,