2015 Rocky Coast Writing Contest


Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Entry Fees

$10 per entry of one prose piece or three poems


- Grand Prizes: $100 for best prose piece and $100 for best poem.
- One runner-up in each category will receive free editing of a prose piece or poem under 4,000 words from Mainly Words Editing. Mainly Words also offers a 10% discount to writers who mention the Maine Review.
- The names of all writers who submit their work to the contest will be entered into a drawing for a free gift subscription to The Writer Magazine, which has been providing informative, instructive, and motivational how-to articles and profiles to writers of all levels since 1887.
- All Honorable Mention Winners will receive a free 1-year electronic subscription to the Review.


The submission period for the Maine Review’s 2015 Rocky Coast contest is now open. All writers and all genres are eligible for prizes and possible publication.

We are honored to welcome Carol Smallwood, award-winning poet and novelist, as our esteemed judge for this contest. Carol has written more than four dozen books, has received multiple Pushcart nominations and appears in Who’s Who in America Contemporary Authors and Who’s Who in the World.

The deadline for submission is June 30, 2015. Entry fee is $10 per entry of one prose piece or three poems. A list of previous contest winners can be found on the website at www.TheMaineReview.com/writers.htm.

Guidelines: www.TheMaineReview.com/submit.htm.

Contact Information

www.TheMaineReview.com/submit.htm - online submissions; postal submission info on website



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