2015 Sequestrum New Writer Awards


Sunday, November 15, 2015


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Entry Fees



Two first prize winners (one fiction, one poetry) will win $200 each. Minimum of two runners-up per genre will between $25 and $50.


Sequestrum is pleased to announce our New Writer Awards, in which over $500 will be awarded to up-and-coming writers and poets. The contest will accept both prose (fiction & creative nonfiction) and poetry submissions, with first-prize winners selected in each genre. Tentative end date November 15, 2015. Fiction and nonfiction entries up to 10,000 words accepted. Poetry: Up to to three pieces per submission. Most Sequestrum poems average under 40 lines. See our contests page for full guidelines.

Happy submitting and best of luck.

Contact Information

Katherine Ivory: [email protected]



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