2016 Scythe Prize


Sunday, May 1, 2016


Entry Fees

Entry into this contest is free.


Winner of the short story category will receive $250. Winner of the essay category will also win $250. Other submissions will be selected for the printed collection later in 2016.



​The Scythe Prize is an annual publication comprised of pieces of short fiction and creative nonfiction written by budding collegiate voices. Submissions are collected in the spring, editors select a number of pieces, and a prize jury selects the winning short story and essay. Pieces selected by editors appear in the printed anthology which is available in November.


The winning story author receives a $250 prize, as does the winning author of the creative nonfiction category.


The printed anthology will be available in November and will be available through the world’s largest distribution channels. We will be taking submissions for consideration for The 2016 Scythe Prize publication from March 1 to April 30, 2016.

To submit your manuscript for consideration for publication in 2016, please use the following instructions:

Email your submission to [email protected] with “Submission” in the subject line.

Attach your entire manuscript to the email in Microsoft Word format (preferred) or as a PDF. Do not attach anything to the email besides the Word or PDF manuscript; include all other information in the body of your email.

Provide the following information:

Your full name
Your college’s name
Your mailing address
Your phone number
The title of your work

Submit your manuscript between March 1 and April 30, 2016.

If your manuscript is selected for publication, we will email you in June of 2016. See schedule for publication below.

Our preliminary timeline (subject to change without notice) is:

Receive submissions March 1 – April 30, 2016

Selections completed by May 31, 2016, authors of selected submissions will be announced in June 2016 and winners will be announced at that time.

Advance Copies of the 2016 Scythe Prize available July 2016

Final edition print: December 2016

Contact Information

Email [email protected] for details and questions. Also use this email to submit your work for consideration.



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