2017 Kathy Fish Flash Fiction Fellowship


Thursday, September 15, 2016



Entry Fees

Free/$5 donation suggested


$500 award, publication, workshops


SmokeLong Quarterly will accept submissions July 15 through September 15, 2016, for its 2017 Kathy Fish Fellowship for new and emerging writers.

The winner of the 2017 Kathy Fish Fellowship will be considered a “writer-in-residence” at SmokeLong (note: position is virtual) for four quarterly issues (March, June, September, and December 2017). Each issue will include one flash story by the Fellowship winner.

The winner of the Fellowship will also receive $500.00, to be paid as follows: $100.00 on announcement of the winner, and $100.00 upon publication of each of the four issues in 2017.

Fellows will have the opportunity to work with SmokeLong staff and participate in online writing workshops.

All writers previously unpublished in SmokeLong Quarterly and who do not have a published chapbook or book-length work in any genre (or are not under contract for such) are eligible to apply.

Application must include four samples of your flash fiction (stories of 1000 words or less), plus answering the application questions. For more information visit: http://www.smokelong.com/kathy-fish-fellowship/

Contact Information

[email protected]



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