2017 San Francisco Writing Contest


Friday, January 13, 2017


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Entry Fees

$35 (US) per entry.


The Grand Prize winner will receive $250 and a 15-minute in-person meeting at the conference or a 15-minute scheduled telephone call with a literary agent who represents work like yours. First place winners in each category will receive checks for $100.


The San Francisco Writers Conference is pleased to announce the 2017 San Francisco Writing Contest. The contest is open to all writers everywhere, including those attending the 2017 San Francisco Writers Conference. The entry fee is $35 per item.

Your entry must fit into one of the following categories:
* Adult Fiction
* Adult Nonfiction (including memoir)
* Children’s/YA Books

Entries may have been self-published or not-yet published, but not traditionally published. Entries can be up to 1500 words in length (or less, but not more).

Please use the contest registration form on this web site SFWriters.org/contest-registration to upload your entry/entries and pay. It’s easy! If you prefer to send your fee by check, mail both the entry and check to SF Writing Contest, PO Box 326, Oakley, CA 94561.

All fees and entries must be received by 5:00 pm Pacific Time on January 13, 2017.

Finalists will be announced on the website on February 3, 2017.

Winners will be announced during lunch on Friday, February 17, 2017, at the Conference.

Contact Information

Questions? Problems? Contact Contest Coordinator Tricia Skinner at [email protected].



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