Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fiction, General, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Members of Carteret Writers: $5.00 per entry / Non-members: $10.00 per entry
First place: $100 and Publication in Shoal
Second place: $50 and Publication in Shoal
Third place: $25 and Publication in Shoal
Honorable Mention: Publication in Shoal
1. Flash Fiction: 750 words or less.
2. Fiction: 3,000 words or less. May be a short story or excerpt from a book. Multiple entries may not be from the same book.
3. Nonfiction: 3,000 words or less. May be an essay, article, or excerpt from a book. Multiple entries may not be from the same book.
4. Poetry: 75 lines or less per poem.
5. Writing for children: 3,000 words or less. May be fiction or nonfiction, a short story or an excerpt from a book. Also, poetry with 75 lines or less. All must be suitable for children under the age of eighteen.
See website for more details.
Contact Information
Writing Contest
Carteret Writers, Inc.
P.O. Box 2284
Morehead City, NC 28557
For questions, email: [email protected]