2019 Macaron Prize

Contest ending today.


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Entry Fees

In Fiction: $18 entry fee for a submission of one story, maximum 4,000 words.
In Poetry: $18 entry fee for a submission of up to three poems.
In Non-fiction: $18 entry fee for one personal narrative essay, maximum 4,000 words.


$1,000 in each category and publication in print issue


CAGIBI publishes stories, essays, poetry, art, writers in conversation, essays on the writing craft, and excerpts. We welcome non-traditional / emerging writers, minority and marginalized viewpoints. We’re excited to announce our writing contest, the 2019 Macaron Prize judged by Chantel Acevedo in Fiction,
Major Jackson in Poetry, and Sheila Kohler in Non-Fiction / Memoir. Winners receive $1,000 and publication in our inaugural print issue.

Contact Information

Rebecca Gee, Managing Editor



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