Friday, November 1, 2019
Entry Fees
$20 reading fee
$500 for first place; $250 for second and third place. Winning poems will be published on Split This Rock's website within The Quarry: A Social Justice Poetry Database. All prize winners will receive free festival registration to Split This Rock Poetry Festival 2020 and be eligible for apply for need-based travel scholarships. The 1st place recipient will be invited to read the winning poem on the main stage at the festival. All submitted poems may also receive consideration for Split This Rock’s Poem of the Week Series.
Each year, Split This Rock sponsors a national poetry contest which serves to raise the visibility and prestige of poetry of provocation and witness. Formerly known as Split This Rock’s Annual Poetry Contest, the contest was renamed in 2017 as the Sonia Sanchez-Langston Hughes Poetry Contest. The new name honors two poets significant to Split This Rock: Langston Hughes who penned the poem “Big Buddy” from which Split This Rock takes its name and Sonia Sanchez who opened the very first Split This Rock Poetry Festival in 2008 and served as guest judge for the 2018 contest. Contest winning poems are published on Split This Rock’s website and in The Quarry: A Social Justice Poetry Database.
Contact Information
For more information, please email [email protected].