Friday, September 25, 2020
Entry Fees
$10 per entry; one entry per writer
Payment may be made either by check or by credit card. To pay by credit card, call Lowcountry Weekly at 843-522-0418. Make checks out to “Lowcountry Weekly”, with “Short Story Contest” in the memo line. Mail to Lowcountry Weekly, 106 West Street Extension, Beaufort SC 29902.
Winners will be published in the October 14th issue of Lowcountry Weekly.
$100 first prize and publication in Lowcountry Weekly (
$50 second prize and publication in Lowcountry Weekly (
$25 third prize and publication in Lowcountry Weekly (
Writers, Far and Wide – Here’s a chance to get paid for writing! Sea Island Spirit Writers’ critique group is again sponsoring a short story contest open to all writers 18 years old and up. The phrase “torn scraps of paper…” must appear in your story of 750 words or less. Your story could net you $100 for first place, $50 for second place, or $25 for third, and publication in Lowcountry Weekly.
All entries must include your name, address, email address and phone contact.
Entries must be received by Friday, September 25th.
Entries cannot have been previously published. We want new, fresh fiction.
Digital entries only please.
Garrison Keillor once said, “Nothing bad ever happens to a writer. It’s all material.” So, whether you choose to embellish an actual event or to make up a whole new story, get those creative juices flowing and send us your best!
Contact Information
Submit entries by email to [email protected] with “Short Story Contest” in the subject line.