Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Essay, Fiction, General, Nonfiction, Plays, Poetry, Screenwriting
Entry Fees
2 grand prize winners (package worth approximately $5,000)
3 finalists ($250)
5 honorable mentions ($100)
Applications for A Hotel Room of One’s Own: The Erma Bombeck | Anna Lefler Humorist-in-Residence Program will be accepted Sept. 7-28, 2021. Application fee: $25. Two emerging humor writers will receive free registration, travel and hotel expenses for the March 24-26, 2022, Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, where they will spend an additional two weeks at the University of Dayton Marriott Hotel to work on their writing projects. It’s the gift of time to write — and free room service. Nancy Cartwright, best known as the voice of Bart Simpson, and Mike Reiss, the longest-serving writer on The Simpsons, will choose the two grand prize winners. The package is worth approximately $5,000, but the experience is priceless. Cash prizes for finalists and honorable mentions.
Contact Information
Teri Rizvi, director of the Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
[email protected]