Friday, July 19, 2019
Entry Fees
$20, free for students
The Winner in the Best Children's Story will receive a Winner Certificate, a copy of the Anthology, will be featured with his/her work and interview published in the December Issue of the Adelaide Literary Magazine, and will receive a publishing contract for his/her children's book from Adelaide Books LLC.
The Winner in the Best Children's Illustration will receive a Winner Certificate, a copy of the Anthology, will be featured with his/her work and interview in the December Issue of the Adelaide Literary Magazine, and will receive a contract offer to illustrate one of the children's books published by Adelaide Books LLC.
Works by all Finalist will be published in the Adelaide Books Children's Literature and Illustration Award 2019 Anthology to be released by November 1st, 2019.
All Finalists will receive a Finalist Certificate and a copy of the Anthology.
Limit of up to 3 illustrations for Children’s Illustration Award single submission
All illustrations must be submitted as JPEG or PDF files
Limit of 2000 words per story for Children’s Literature Award single submission
All stories must be submitted as Word documents
Multiple submissions by the same author allowed
Illustrations must be original and appropriate for children’s books
Previously-published work and late submissions will NOT be considered