Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Children’s, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Entry fee – the download of 5 paid short stories by different authors (Approx £2 - much of which goes to support other writers)
First Prize is £200 AND publication of a short story collection of between 35,000 and 40,000 words with editorial support for completion if needed. The collection will be made available as an ebook through major outlets and Amazon. The paperback will be available from Amazon and Alfie Dog Fiction. In addition to this, the author will receive 5 free copies of the paperback and will earn royalties on all further sales for as long as the book remains in circulation. Royalties are paid at 50% of all net receipts. Second Prize will be a full critique of stories to a total maximum word count of 10,000 words. The Winners will be announced by 30th November 2014, together with the short-listed entrants. Winners and those shortlisted will be notified by email prior to publication of the results on the site.
The competition is open to any writer over the age of 18 writing in the English language.
The closing date for entries is midnight UK time on 30th September 2014.
Stories submitted must be the author’s own original and unpublished work. Unpublished excludes any story which has been made available to the public in any form, whether for profit or free, but does not include work limited to a restricted private forum. Stories which have won prizes in other competitions but not been published are eligible for entry.
The story submitted must be between 1000 and 2000 words excluding title and can be in any genre that is normally carried by Alfie Dog Fiction (see site for details). It should not contain any unnecessary profanity or blasphemy. Please note we do not carry erotica or extreme violence.
The entry fee is the download of 5 paid for stories by different writers on the site. Your entry form will require the input of the Sales ID from your download email.
Judging will be by the editors of Alfie Dog Fiction and carefully selected assistants. All short listed stories will be judged by Rosemary Kind of Alfie Dog Fiction.
Shortlisted entrants, including the winners, will be invited to have their story available for download on our normal terms, however if they wish to use the story elsewhere they may decline to accept this offer. Other than those shortlisted, stories will not automatically be considered for inclusion on the site but may be submitted by the author through the normal channels at a future date.
A critique of the entered story may be requested at a cost of £10. The critique will be provided after the competition winners have been announced. This will take the form of edits and comments on how the story may be improved and will be invoiced to the entrant through Paypal.
The competition is open to both existing authors of Alfie Dog Fiction and those who have not had work accepted and the prize will be awarded purely on account of merit. The Editor’s decision is final and will not be discussed with any entrant.
You may enter as many times as you would like to as long as each entry is accompanied by a unique download Sales ID.
Both the stories entered in the competition and those published in the winning collection will remain the copyright of their respective authors.
The prizes cannot be taken in any other forms than those stated and winners will be requested to take up their prize by submitting appropriate work within six months of the announcement of the result.
Contact Information
Full details including how to enter can be found at