Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Entry Fees
$5 per submission until August 1st/ $10 late submission until September 1st/deadline (postmarked by, or received through website), with up too 3 submissions per author. (Maximum of 500 submissions will be accepted. Notification of cut-off will be posted on the website.)
First Prize: $200
Second Prize: $100
Third Prize: $50
To embrace and honor the heritage of storytelling in Western North Carolina, Tryon Arts and Crafts School is initiating this exciting National Ghost Competition. Winning stories will be read to an audience on Halloween evening, October 31st, 2017, 7 PM, at TACS, 373 Harmon Field Road, Tryon NC.
All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive an award certificate and voucher for overnight accommodations.
Eligibility: Open to any resident of the USA (TACS’ staff members, board members, judges, and their immediate families are ineligible.)
Guidelines: The story must be original unpublished work by the author and include a ghost, spirit, paranormal activity, mysterious circumstance, or a folklore tale that could be perceived as a ghost story. Note: The setting does not have to be North Carolina.
Contact Information
Tryon Arts & Crafts School
828 859 8323