Around The World in 3,000 Words


Thursday, March 31, 2022


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- 1st prize: $600
- 2nd prize: $300
- 3rd prize: $100


There’s something inherently exciting about setting sail on worldwide adventures. Throw in lost treasure, a trusty sidekick and an old fashioned and undependable form of transportation, and you have yourself a solid quest. We’re looking for your very best action and adventure stories centering on treasure hunts, survival, mystery and exploration.

Call us nostalgic but we miss Indiana Jones and can only rewatch Goonies so many times before it gets weird. We can’t wait to read your swashbuckling short stories of up to 3,000 words. Bonus points for Nicholas Cage as your protagonist (we’re kidding…kind of).

Contact Information

Contact Brooke at [email protected] with any questions!


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