“Autumn” International Call for Artists and Writers by ArtAscent – Deadline August 31, 2018


Friday, August 31, 2018


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Entry Fees



Be profiled, get published, and shine on! Up to 40 applicants will be selected. Plus, if you are chosen as one of the top 4 applicants, you will also be highlighted in a feature section with a profile written about you and your work. All selected artists and writers are showcased in the magazine and the juried online exhibition.


Autumn, or fall, marks the transition from summer to wrinter and is experienced at different timems of the year depending on geographical location and cultural norms. Wherever deciduous trees are found, autumn brings a colour change in leaves from green to orange, red, and gold. Autumn is often associated with thankful harvests and the start of the new school year and sports seasons. It fosters wistful acknowledgement that winter is coming, suggests coming decay, and that moment when someone or something is past its prime. Share your interpretation of AUTUMN with words or images.

Contact Information

[email protected]



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