Bartleby Snopes 7th Annual Dialogue Only Contest


Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Entry Fees

$10 for unlimited entries (only one entry allowed at a time; see Response/Notification section for more details). Entry fee is due at time of submission and will be collected through Submittable. The entry fees are used to fund the prize money and pay for contest advertisements/maintenance. $1 from each entry pays for required processing fees. Other than this processing fee, all entry fees are used directly for the purpose of the contest. No editors receive any portion of the entry fees. Any excess funds will be used to provide contributor copies of Issue 15 to the winners.


A minimum of $500 will be awarded, with at least $300 going to the grand prizewinner. Our five finalists also will appear in Issue 15 of the magazine due out in January 2016. Last year we awarded $2,380 in prize money. For every entry over 50, an additional $5 will be added to the total prize money


Contest begins June 1, 2015. All initial submissions up to 2,000 words must be received by September 15th. Winners will be announced by October 19th. Compose a short story entirely of dialogue. You may use as many characters as you want. Your entry does not have to follow standard rules for writing dialogue. Your entry cannot use any narration.
Awards: A minimum of $500 will be awarded, with at least $300 going to the grand prizewinner. Our five finalists will also appear in Issue 15 of the magazine. Last year we awarded $2,380 in prize money. Judges: The order of winners will be determined by the staff of Bartleby Snopes and our two guest judges, Sorrel Westbrook-Wilson and Bud Smith. Website: for more details, rules, information and submission via Submittable.

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