Bethlehem Writers Roundtable 2019 Short Story Award

Contest ending today.


Entry Fees

$10 per story. Multiple entries by the same author are permitted.


First place: $200 + consideration for print publication in our upcoming anthology: FUR, FEATHERS, AND SCALES: SWEET, FUNNY, AND STRANGE ANIMAL TALES. (If not selected for print publication, it will appear as a Featured Story in our quarterly literary journal, Bethlehem Writers Roundtable (
Second place: $100 + publication in our quarterly literary journal, Bethlehem Writers Roundtable
Third place: $50 + publication in our quarterly literary journal, Bethlehem Writers Roundtable
Honorable Mentions, if any, may be offered publication in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.


We welcome stories of 2000 words or fewer on this year’s theme of Animal Stories, broadly interpreted.
Stories involving WILD ANIMALS, PETS, or IMAGINARY BEASTS will be welcome (so long as an animal is an important character or element of the story.)

Contact Information

Use the form on the Submissions/Contacts form on our Roundtable website ( for any questions.


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