Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Award


Thursday, March 31, 2016


Entry Fees

$10 per entry


First: $200; Second: $100; Third: $50; with possible print and online publication


Short Story Contest: 2016 Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Award

We are accepting submissions (2000 words or fewer) on the theme of “Children’s Stories” (pre-school through middle school) for the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Award.

In addition to a $200 prize, the first place winner’s story will be considered for print publication in the Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC’s next anthology or as a featured story in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable. Our first publication, A Christmas Sampler: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Holiday Tales (2009), won two Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Best Anthology and Best Short Fiction. Our second anthology, Once Around the Sun: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Tales for All Seasons, was a finalist for Best Anthology in the 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Second place will receive $100 + publication in the BWG Writers Roundtable on-line literary magazine

Third place will receive $50 + publication in the BWG Writers Roundtable on-line literary magazine

Honorable Mentions may also be published in the BWG Writers Roundtable on-line literary magazine in a month selected by the editors.

All stories must be submitted by March 31, 2016.

Our Celebrity Judge: Marisa A. Corvisiero, founder of the Corvisiero Literary Agency

Contact Information

Bethlehem Writers Roundtable


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