Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Award


Saturday, February 28, 2015



Entry Fees



In addition to a $200 prize, the first place winner's story will be considered for print publication in the Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC's next anthology or as a featured story in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.

Second place will receive $100 + publication in the BWG Writers Roundtable online literary magazine

Third place will receive $50 + publication in the BWG Writers Roundtable

Honorable Mentions may also be published in the BWG Writers Roundtable in a month selected by the editors.


The deadline for submissions for the 2015 BWG Writers Roundtable SHORT STORY AWARD is February 28, 2015.

We’re accepting stories (fiction or memoir) of 2000 words or fewer on the theme “Food Stories.”

Winners received cash and publication, with the first place story eligible for publication in the anthology, A READABLE FEAST: SWEET, FUNNY, AND STRANGE TALES FOR EVERY TASTE, to be published in the Fall of 2015. (And they’ll receive a free copy of the paperback, too!)

For more information, visit the website at:



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