“Black” International Call For Artists and Writers by ArtAscent – Deadline April 30, 2018


Monday, April 30, 2018


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Entry Fees



| Theme:
Many shades of black colour our lives. Black paints many idioms and expressions including black market, blackmail, blacklist, black sheep, black and white, black and blue, in the black, black thoughts and black holes. It is technically the absence of visible light, but we often sense it best in contrast to light and colour. Does black reference darkness, mourning, the end, secrets, magic, evil, elegance, authority or solemnity? The interpretations of black are diverse. Share your shades of BLACK with words or images.

| Eligible Submissions:
Entries may include 2- and 3-dimensional media, such as paintings, drawings, photography, mixed media, installations, ceramics, jewelry, fabric, sculpture, fiction, poetry, short stories and other written explorations (up to 900 words). Submissions must be the original work of the applicant(s). Apply using the online form.

| Highlights:
Be profiled, get published, and shine on! Up to 40 applicants will be selected. Plus, if you are chosen as one of the top 4 applicants, you will also be highlighted in a feature section with a profile written about you and your work. All selected artists and writers are showcased in the magazine and the juried online exhibition.

| About ArtAscent:
The mission of ArtAscent is to promote artists of images and words, and connect them with art lovers. This is accomplished by calls for artists and writers, artist profiling, art magazine publication, and artist and writer online showcasing. Each call is theme based, with the intent to showcase diverse creative explorations of that theme via various media. This marketing tool is created by artists and writers, for artists and writers. This is our art! ArtAscent provides opportunity for the voice of writers and vision of artists to shared in a professional and accessible platform. We are a bright community of creatives and art lovers.

| Call application:

Contact Information

[email protected]



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