Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Winner entries will be published in an ebook with synchronized music and illustrations created specifically for the story.
Everyone has a story inside them, but have you ever wondered how does it sound like? At Bubo Technologies, we believe in the power of music to tell stories. Our first-of-its-kind technology brings ebooks and music together to make reading a more immersive and personal experience. And what is more personal than the story that you always wanted to write?
Now we invite talented writers from all over the world to send us their short stories for an amazing opportunity. Winners will have their works published with synchronized music and beautiful illustrations made specifically to be as unique as your stories.
Your text must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words and fit one of these two themes: adult or children’s literature. Send your short story to: [email protected]
How to enter:
– This contest is open to any nationality provided the writer is over the age of 18 years at the time of the closing date.
– No entry fee and only one short story per person.
– All short stories must be submitted via email as an attachment (Microsoft Word document or similar). Your email address will be used to notify you of any updates.
– Your short story must be original, in English, not published, self-published or broadcasted on any media.
– The story must be between 2,000 and 4,000 words, typed and double-spaced, and it must clearly state which theme it fits: adult or children’s literature.
– Stories will be judged anonymously, so please do not include any personally identifiable information on or in your story.
– Bubo Technologies retains exclusive publication rights to the winning stories to be published in any form or media.
– Winner entries will be published in an ebook with synchronized music and illustrations created specifically for the story.
– Entrants not selected as winners will not be notified individually; non-winners will be emailed a competition status update in the weeks following the winner notification date.
– Bubo Technologies assumes all entries are original and therefore not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant and will not become involved in copyright disputes.
– Short stories must be submitted by 15 November 2017 (11.59pm in any time zone).
To know more about the books and music of Bubo Technologies, try our beta application for Android:
Entry Fee: Free
Word count: Between 2,000 – 4,000 words.
Deadline: 15 November 2017
Contact Information
Send your short story to: [email protected]