Thursday, March 12, 2020
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Carteret Writers members $10.00
Non-members $15.00
For each of the five categories:
First place: $100 and Publication in Shoal
Second place: $50 and Publication in Shoal
Third place: $25 and Publication in Shoal
Honorable Mention: Publication in Shoal
This is our 29th year of the contest.
– Flash Fiction: 750 words or less.
– Fiction: 3,000 words or less. May be a short story or excerpt from a book.
– Nonfiction: 3,000 words or less. May be an excerpt from a book.
– Poetry: 36 lines or less per poem. May submit up to 3 poems per entry.
– Writing for Children: 3,000 words or less. May be fiction or nonfiction, a short story or
an excerpt from a book. Poetry must be 36 lines or less per poem. May submit up to 3 poems per entry. All entries must be suitable for children under the age of eighteen.
Contact Information
Please see the guidelines on the webpage. All entries to be mailed: Writing Contest, Carteret Writers, Inc., P.O. Box 2284, Morehead City, NC 28557