Chaucer Awards – Early Historical Fiction (pre-1750s)


Saturday, June 30, 2018


Entry Fees

$75 US Dollars


A Prize Ribbon to use in promotion at book signings and book festivals
Digital Badges for display on your website or incorporation into book covers
Book stickers to identify your print books to bookstore shoppers as they browse
In addition to all the ribbons and badges and cash awards we will be showering you with, you will also receive a powerful promotional boost from Chanticleer Reviews, with:

Your name and book title announced on our high traffic website at the finalist stage, the category winner stage, the genre grand prize stage, and the overall grand prize stage, depending on how far you go in the competition
Corresponding social media announcements of your contest advancements
Corresponding newsletter announcements to our sizable email list
Your winning title's review published in our Chanticleer Reviews Magazine
Your book may also receive trade show representation as we show off our winners at conferences and trade shows across the US and Internationally. We like to show off our winners in as many ways as we can.
Your book may also be seen and noticed by agents, publishers, Hollywood producers, and others within the publishing and entertainment industry who see our contests as a way to spot new and upcoming talent and original story ideas.


Chanticleer Book Reviews is seeking for the best books featuring Pre-1750s Historical Fiction, including pre-history, ancient history, Classical, world history (non-western culture), Dark Ages and Medieval Europe, Renaissance, Elizabethan, Tudor, 1600s, we will put them to the test and choose the best among them.
Novels may be Manuscripts, Self-published, Indie Published or Traditionally Published.
E-pub accepted.
All published novels must have ISBN/ASIN designation, manuscripts are not required to have this designation at the time of submission.
Entries must be in the English language.
No erotica. No graphic violence, please.
Copyrighted works before Dec. 31, 2015 will be disqualified.
Novels must be 70,000 plus words.
You may enter in more than one category. However, each entry must be accompanied by the entry fee.
You may enter more than one novel into a given contest.
Default winners will not be declared. Contests are based on merit and writing craft.
Digital Files must be submitted in PDF or Word DOC format.
Fees and Digital File must be received before June 30th, 2018 midnight.
Please read our Terms and Conditions page aka The Fine Print. Prizes and Award Packages may change without notice. (Link to The Fine Print:

Contact Information

[email protected]



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