Create The Future climate and solarpunk competition


Monday, February 14, 2022


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Entry Fees



£100 in prizes plus eco lifestyle/home bundles for UK winners


Create The Future is running a free global writing competition to help us imagine a better earth for all. (Closing date: 14th February 2022)
We’d like you to answer the question “What does a sustainable future look like to you? What happens when we dare to dream?” You can interpret this question as loosely as you wish and explore it from any perspective.
All shortlisted work will be featured in the final anthology alongside experts, activists and leaders, and winners will be invited to read their work (optionally) at our online launch event. UK winners will also receive an extra household bundle to help them build the eco-friendly lifestyle they are writing about.
First prize: £50. Terms and conditions apply.
Submissions are open for short fiction (up to 2,000 words) and poetry (up to 40 lines) and more details can be found on our website
Looking for some inspirational writing prompts and images? Check out our instagram or Twitter @create_future. We’re especially interested in hearing underrepresented voices, new writers and unusual perspectives – so don’t be put off if you haven’t done much writing before!

Contact Information

[email protected]


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