Sunday, March 1, 2015
Entry Fees
Every contributor accepted for the issue will receive a $30 CanvasPop gift card and a digital contributors copy of the issue.
Vol 3, Issue 1 2015 – Thought Notebook Journal
The space and time continuum that we live in produces many instances of cycles. Our breathing continues on in a cyclical nature, as does many processes in science, and society. These rhythmic events are observed all around us, some unconsciously and others controlled.
Be challenged and consider submitting your Cycles themed literary and visual art for our next journal issue. Think deeper about your work and provide a thematic connection with your submission.
All literary art submitted should be 3000 words or less. We are open to various sizes of visual art. Along with you submission please provide some thoughts on how your piece connects with the theme. See our guidelines page for additional details at
See to learn more about our journal and our current issue just released – The Nature Of Occurrences. The journal is available in print and digital. The digital issue is only $0.99 as we believe in equal access to art and literature.