Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Entry Fees
There is an $15.00 reading fee.
Please send the reading fee via Pay Pal to [email protected]
If you don't use Pay Pal, please email us at [email protected]
You may submit more than one manuscript, however, an $18.00 reading fee must accompany each submission.
Winners will receive $250.00, 25 author copies, and select poems from the book will appear in Diode Poetry Journal. If the winner(s) can attend AWP, they will have an opportunity to participate in an off-site reading, and also in signing sessions at the Diode Editions booth.
Open to all poets over the age of 18 who write in English.
Length: 22–38 pages (front matter is not included in page count).
We will consider translations, and we welcome collaborations.
Your submission should include
A title page with the title of your manuscript, your name, address, telephone number and email.
Your name should not appear anywhere else in the manuscript.
An acknowledgements page: poems included in your manuscript may be previously published as long as there is an acknowledgements page.
Entries will be accepted between April 15 and August 15, 2018
A winner will be announced by August 30, 2018 (We may publish more than one book)
The winning book(s) will be published by March 1, 2019, and will be launched at the 2019 AWP Conference in Portland, Oregon
We accept simultaneous submissions, but if your manuscript is accepted for publication, please notify us as soon as possible
Please send submissions to: [email protected] and include ”Book Contest,” and the name of your manuscript in the subject