Monday, April 23, 2018
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Entry Fees
$5 per poem, $10 per story
Writing First Prize is $500, 2nd $250, 3rd $100
Poetry First Prize is $250, 2nd $125, $50
All contest winners will be published online in the Dare to Dream pages, on May 31, 2018.
This contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry and/or writing a story that’s worth telling everyone! And welcome to all, having the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275.00. All works must be original.
Write a poem, 30 lines or fewer on any subject, style, or form, typed or neatly hand printed.
And/or write a short story, 5 pages maximum length, on any subject or theme.
Genres: fiction, nonfiction or creative nonfiction (including essay compositions, diary, journal entries and screenwriting). No word count. Also, all entries must be either typed or neatly hand printed.
Multiple and simultaneous poetry and short story entries are accepted.
Contact Information
Mail entries/fees payable to "DREAMQUESTONE.COM"
Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest
P.O. Box 3141
Chicago, Illinois 60654
Contact: Andre L. West, Editor
Email: [email protected]