Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Two winning novellas will receive a $250.00 cash prize, a publication contract, and royalties for the novella with Brain Mill Press. The cash prize is not an advance against royalties. Royalties commence with the internationally distributed release.
The 2016 Driftless Unsolicited Novella contest seeks 20,000-40,000 word novellas, with a strong preference for submissions from authors of color, LGBTQ+ writers, and women. Two winning novellas will receive a $250.00 cash prize, a publication contract, and royalties for the novella with Brain Mill Press. The cash prize is not an advance against royalties. Royalties commence with the internationally distributed release.
The winning novellas will be professionally edited and produced, and covered with original winning art from the Driftless Unsolicited Art Contest. Novellas will be published in print and digital formats in the spring of 2017. Authors will be nationally promoted and their novellas submitted for industry review and appropriate prizes. Up to three finalists for each publication spot will be promoted on the website, newsletter, and other Driftless Unsolicted winner announcement materials.
The 2015 winners of the Driftless Unsolicited Novella contest were Haris A. Durrani and Victoria G. Smith. Novelist John Crowley lauds Durrani’s TECHNOLOGIES OF THE SELF (Brain Mill Press, Feb. 2016) as “rich, humane, funny and outlandish,” presaging “a great career for a young writer with lavish gifts and a generous spirit.” Victoria G. Smith is a multiply published poet who has been honored for her writing by the Chicago Filipino American Hall of Fame. Her novella, FAITH HEALER (Brain Mill Press, Mar. 2016), explores queer identities in the Filipino diaspora.
Founded by two award-winning authors, Brain Mill Press publishes “Love Books for Humans” in multiple genres. Find more information at
Novellas may be in any genre, including commercial genres such as romance, suspense, young adult, or science fiction (and others), or they may be uncategorized literary or mainstream fiction. The entry fee is $25.00 USD. International submissions are welcome but must be submitted in English. will provide guidelines for successful electronic file submission.